Girl Learning German 4 Cases

German cases are the most important topic to learn while studying German language. The German language system uses 4 cases. They are: Nominative, Akkusative, Dativ, and Genitiv. Each case has its own rules. Every case has their own role to play. 

Before learning German cases, let’s be clear about the concept of German Article. The German article consists of Masculine, Feminine, Neutral and Plural.

What is Nominative?

Nominative is the first German case you will learn which is called as Nominativ in German language. You just simply need to remember these 4 things:

  1. Nominativ is the original form of noun or pronoun.
  2. Nominative is always in the subject.
  3. It is used when there is only one person or thing in a sentence.
  4. There is some verb which always uses Nominativ.

Article in Nominative

Below shown is the Artikel im Nominativ.

Geschlect (Gender)Bestimmt UnbestimmtNegation

Nominative Beispiel

  1. Das ist ein Buch.
    • (This is a book.)
      • ist – sein verb
  2. Die Frau liest ein Buch. (The lady reads a book.)
    • Die Frau – subject is always Nominativ.
  3. Sie essen Abendessen. (They eat dinner.)
    • Sie – subject is always Nominativ.
  4. Ich bin ein Student. (I am a Student.)
    • bin – sein verb
  5. Wir arbeiten in der Bank. (We work in the bank.)
    • Wir – subject is always Nominativ.

What is Accusative?

Accusative case is the second case you will learn which is called as Akkusativ  in German language. The things you need to consider for Akkusativ cases are:

  • Akkusative is used for direct object.
  • It is used for the direction or movement toward the place or target.
  • Certain prepositions always uses akkusative.
  • Certain verbs always uses akkusative.

Article in Accusative

Geschlect (Gender)Bestimmt UnbestimmtNegation

Accusative Beispiel

  1. Ich trinke gern Cola. (I like to drink Cola.)
    • trinken – Akkusativ verb
    • Cola – direct object of verb trinken
  2. Der Mann füttert die Katze.(The man feeds the cat.)
    • füttern – Akkusativ verb
    • die Katze – direct object of verb füttern
  3. Ich kaufe ein Brot und ein Käse. (I buy a bread and cheese.)
    • kaufen – Akkusativ verb
    • ein Brot – direct object of verb kaufen
    • ein Käse – direct object of verb kaufen
  4. Ich liebe die Deutsche Sprache. (I love the German language.)
    • lieben – Akkusativ verb
    • die Deutsche Sprache – direct object of verb lieben
  5. Sie schreibt einen Brief an Chef. (She writes a letter to the boss.)
    • schreiben – Akkusativ verb
    • einen Brief – direct object of verb schreiben
    • an der Chef – direction toward ‘der Chef ‘

What is Dative?

Dative case is the third case you will learn which is called as Dativ  in German language. The things you need to consider for Dativ cases are:

1. Dative is used for indirect object.

2. It is used when there is more than one object in a sentence.

3. It is often used to indicate person.

4. Certain prepositions always uses dative.

5. Certain verbs always uses dative.

Article in Dative

Geschlect (Gender)Bestimmt UnbestimmtNegation

Dative Beispiel

  1. Er schickt seinen Eltern ein Auto. (He sends his parents a car.)
    • seinen Eltern – indirect object [person]
  2. Dir gefällt das Restaurant. (You like the restaurant.)
    • dir – indirect object [person]
  3. Seinem Chef hilft er mit der E-mail schreiben. (His boss help him with writing E-mail.)
    • seinem Chef – indirect object [person]
  4. Ich gratuliere dir zu deinem Geburtstag. (I congratulate you on your birthday.)
    • dir – indirect object [person]
  5. Ihr gebt euren Kollegen eine Party. (You give your collegues a party.)
    • euren Kollegen – indirect object [person]

What is Genitive?

Genitive case is the third case you will learn which is called Genitiv  in German language. The things you need to consider for Genitiv cases are:

1. Genitive is almost never use in spoken language.

2. It’s use in book, newspaper or writing text.

3. It is used for possession and belonging.

Article in Genitive

Bestimmt UnbestimmtNegationNomen

Genitive Examples

Some examples of Genitive cases are as below:

1. Das ist das Haus meines Bruder.

– This is my brother’s house.

  • meines Bruder – to show possession [whose house]

2. Mir gafällt die Atmosphäre dieses Zimmers.

– I like the atmosphare of this room.

  • dieses Zimmers – to show possession [whose atmosphere]

3. Die Augen des Kindes sind schön.

– The child eyes are beautiful.

  • des Kines – to show possesion [whose eyes]

4. Das Auto meines Vaters ist groß.

– My father’s car is big.

  • meines Vaters – to show possesion [whose car]

5. Die Jacke der Frau ist teuer.

– The woman’s jacket is expensive.

  • der Frau – to show possesion [whose jacket]

To learn more about the German grammar and German places, food and history visit our site Learninggermany

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